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Grassroots Advocacy

A voice for your advocacy campaign.

is a unique consortium of energy experts, public policy analysts, campaign managers, communication professionals and coalition builders working with select clients within the energy industry who share our passion for building our country’s renewable energy infrastructure.

Representing leading energy companies throughout the United States, RenUSA builds and generates support for new, utility-scale renewable energy and transmission projects among the public, elected officials and other key project stakeholders. Working in jurisdictions throughout the US, we secure the government approvals required to proceed. We forge the necessary partnerships and build the needed coalitions to make it all happen.

Representing leading energy companies throughout the United States, RenUSA builds and generates support for new, utility-scale renewable energy and transmission projects among the public, elected officials and other key project stakeholders.  Working in jurisdictions throughout the US, we secure the government approvals required to proceed. We forge the necessary partnerships and build the needed coalitions to make it all happen.…
Grassroots Advocacy
Ben Kelahan